Person securing a rubber band to the top of a pot

Though rubber bands are certainly flexible, we bet that you generally do not think of them as a versatile item. Nevertheless, it’s important that you don’t overlook the brilliance of these trusty little fasteners. Our...

Image of fake snowman.

There’s no business like snow business. Having grown up in the North but now a transplant in a much warmer locale, I don’t miss snow. My kids, on the other hand, have never experienced snowball fights, snowmen, or...

How to make honeycomb shelves with popsicle sticks.

Looking for a fun weekend project? Look no further than these adorable honeycomb shelves! These shelves are super easy to make, cost next to nothing, and are so versatile to use around your home. By stacking these popsicle...

woman placing package on satin ribbon

If you’re anything like me, you LOVE Christmas, but HATE wrapping. Every year I give my family awesome presents wrapped in hastily taped-up decorative paper, and it’s embarrassing, to say the least. Luckily, I have a great...

person pouring water on yellow shoe

There’s nothing worse than stepping into an icy puddle and getting your shoes wet and soggy—especially in cold weather! Before you venture out into that rain and sleet, waterproof them the easy and CHEAP way, with a candle!...

man holding egg slicer in front of wood cutting board

Let’s face it, prepping food is not the most exciting element of cooking. Slicing, dicing, paring, and cutting are boring and, well, dangerous—especially if you have an unsteady hand like me! Luckily, we have a super easy...

candle branch centerpiece surrounded by gourds

Thanksgiving is truly one of the most special times of year! To get in the spirit, we’d like to share some of the most creative Thanksgiving centerpiece projects out there. If you’re anything like we are, then you know that...