woman bends down to pick up a tidy-up basket

If your New Year’s resolution doesn’t include doing a juice cleanse or practicing mindfulness, then congratulations for being a unique thinker in 2017! Some of us just have classic goals, like, wanting to be tidier for...

Seven closet organization tricks.

Nothing gets messier as fast as your closet does. Somehow, no matter how hard you try to keep things tidy, your closet tends to be a perpetual disaster. (No judgement, it happens to all of us.) Never fear, you can bring your...

Never let food go to waste again and stop yourself from buying groceries you already have by getting organized with a great DIY solution. We’ve had plenty of kitchen organizing ideas, including tidying up kitchen drawers and...

Secret kitchen shelf for more storage.

Few rooms can get cramped like your kitchen can – which is especially unfortunate because, unless you’re Carrie Bradshaw and you’re using your appliances to house your clothes, you need to use this room every single day...