Uses for bathroom towel bars.

In just about any home or apartment, there are your standard items that just about always come included. Nine times out of ten, we recognize these items and what their purpose is immediately, just on sight. One of those classic...

Coffee filter fair light string.

If you’ve taken a peek at Pinterest recently, you’ve probably seen one trend that’s been popping up left, right, and center: fairy lights. Fairy lights are tiny string lights usually on a thin, copper wire with small...

How to hide vertical blinds.

As far as window treatments go, bare blinds are probably the least appealing to the eye. They’re a bit harsh and tacky looking, whereas curtains might soften the look of a room or painted-on treatments might make your decor...

The easiest way to hem curtains.

Curtains are the easiest way to make a bare-looking room feel fully decorated, but they’re not so cut and dry. All windows are different, which means that curtains aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution! That means that you...

woman painting a pegboard white

We all know that hanging a few pegboards in the garage can help add some useful space, but did you know that they work as wonderful organizational tools in just about every room? Here is a list of some of our all-time favorite...