The holidays are a time to eat, drink and be merry. But if you, a friend or family member get too merry, disaster could be in the air. Red wine is one of the toughest stains to get out of fabrics, but that doesn’t mean that...

Here’s a quick but helpful tip from Huffington Post. Frustrated by discolored socks that won’t return to their original color, no matter how much you wash them? Try this “weird but true” tip. Just boil your discolored...

In order to save money on fabric softener sheets, I cut them in 1/2 when I purchase them. 1/2 of a sheet will do the same job as a whole sheet on all loads (with the exception of towels. This makes your box of fabric softener...

Have a pair of old jeans that fit like a glove but are starting to look a little too worn and faded to wear stylishly? Instead of springing for a new pair of jeans, The Motherload has a great alternative that should only cost...

Those old sneakers you’ve been wearing for a while may be a little dirty and worse for wear, but you can restore them to their former glory with just a few steps. This tip comes from Instructables, where contributor Chainslaw...

Found this great article in the NYTimes about dishwashers, washers, and how much soap is too much soap. Totally worth reading if you wonder if you’re loading the dishwasher correctly. New York Times columunist, Alina Tugend...

Pretreat solution is not necessary. Simply pour a little of your detergent on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then be sure and use a little less detergent in that...

Love this ‘recipe’ for Lavender Dryer Bags from Your laundry will come out smelling fresh and luxuriously fragrant and all with out the harsh chemicals of dryer sheets. In addition, according to

My plumber told me that you should use half of the recommended detergent for your washing machine and your dishwasher. That’s really all that you need and the manufacturers of the detergent recommend that you use more so you...

You know those tiny little grease spots that are so difficult to remove–like when oil pops on you while you’re cooking or you drop salad dressing? I never had much luck with stain removers, even when I pre-treated. In...