Your washer and dryer are designed to get your clothes sparkling clean – but how do you keep your washer and dryer sparkling clean? You may not think about it, but your washer and dryer need to be clean to do their job...

Here’s a fun fact: Your laptop (specifically that keyboard you type away at all day) collectively has more germs on it than your toilet seat. Pleasant, right? We don’t think about it, but laptops can get just as grimy and...

We’ve all been there— you’re making your famous pasta sauce, dipping some delicious bread, frying up some chicken, or doing anything with oil, and you look down to find a big old stain on one of your favorite shirts. Or...

Did you know that even the appliances in your home that are intended to clean things can get dirty themselves? Even though your washing machine gets your clothes nice and clean, the machine itself needs some love on occasion...

Have you ever left towels in the washing machine overnight (or even worse, for a couple of days) after you’ve washed them? It’s okay, we’ve all done it before. If you have, then you know that when you go to remove them...

When you need to hand wash a delicate garment or two, how do you usually do it? If you’re filling up the tub to do your cleaning, you’re probably wasting water and effort. Instead, just grab an old salad spinner! Though...