10 Important Things You Should Let Go of Before the New Year

The New Year is almost upon us and we, like many out there, love the idea of starting the new year fresh. And in order to do that, we think it’s time to let go of those things we don’t need anymore. So, before you take on new opportunities and challenges in the coming year, we thought we’d give you 12 ideas of things that you should consider ditching before starting anew in 2016.

  1. Let go of your fear of failure. Get out there, take some chances, learn from your “failure” and move toward success.
  2. Let go of fear in general. Here’ what JK Rowling has to say on the subject:

    I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I still had a daughter who I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

  3. Let go of the ridiculous cost of your monthly bills. Do yourself a favor before the New Year and make these 5 phone calls today to save yourself hundreds.
  4. Let go of clothing you haven’t worn in over a year. The end of the year is a great time to analyze your closet and get rid of the things you haven’t worn since 2013.
  5. Let go of old magazines you haven’t looked at or touched all year.
  6. Let go of all of that all of that clutter that’s just taking up unnecessary space in your home.
  7. Let go of your bad habits and put some 7 Important Habits of Frugal People into practice.
  8. Let go of your negativity and choose gratitude instead.
  9. Let go of your debt. Chances are you won’t be able to get rid of it completely before the new year, but you can get off to a great start.
  10. Let go of old electronics and other potential money makers in your home.

What are some things you’d like to let go of before the new year?