How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer at Home

Cold, flu and now coronavirus. We’re all more conscious than ever about preventing ourselves from getting sick.

The number one way to prevent yourself from catching whatever’s going around is by washing your hands with soap and water; however, there are times when soap and water aren’t available, like when you’re in the car or at the park.

Hand sanitizer is the next best thing. It can’t hurt to have it on hand, but only use it when washing your hands really is not an option.

You may have trouble finding hand sanitizer on store shelves, but you can always make your own. It’s actually pretty easy to do, and you might already have everything that you need because you only need 2 ingredients: Isopropyl Alcohol and Aloe Vera Gel.

All you need to do is whisk the two ingredients together and pour them in whatever bottles you want to store it in. Travel size bottles work well. You could even reuse an empty hand sanitizer bottle.

If you want to give your hand sanitizer a nice scent or extra cleaning power, you can add essential oils; however, this ingredient is optional. We think lavender or lemon would be nice additions though.

Watch the video below to see just how easy it is to make this DIY 2-ingredient hand sanitizer. 

This video got a lot of positive comments such as “Thanks a million. The other yutube videos get confusing. Yours is easy to follow. Thanks.” We agree. The instructions in the video are really straightforward and easy to follow.

Now you don’t have to go from store to store searching for hand sanitizer. You could put a bottle of this DIY hand sanitizer in your purse, your car and even your kids’ backpacks.

Are you going to make this DIY hand sanitizer? Are you going to add essential oils or stick to the 2 basic ingredients?