Nestlé Is Selling Grinch-Inspired Christmas Cookies
Ah, the holiday season. It’s so merry, isn’t it? Everyone has decorative lights up on their houses, malls are filled with Santa lookalikes and toys galore, and people seem to be full of glee everywhere you go (even places like the office). It’s truly the most wonderful time of the year!
For most people, the holidays bring back memories from their childhood days and offer a joyful aura all month long. And while everyone has their own unique holiday traditions, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t enjoy baking dozens of cookies around the holidays, are we right?
Maybe it’s the holly jolly feel surrounding the wintry months, but cookies just taste better around Christmas, whether you’re into making festive homemade chocolate cherry thumbprint cookies or like to get the frozen cookie dough that goes right onto the baking sheet (nothing wrong with that when you don’t have a lot of time or ingredients!).
Another one of people’s favorite activities to do around the holidays? Curling up on the couch and watching a classic Christmas film. From Home Alone to Elf and everything in between, it’s easy to find something festive on most channels all December long. Bonus points if you’re actually eating a plate of cookies as you do it!
If you’re just as much in love with baking and enjoying a holiday film during the season, then we’ve got some pretty exciting news. Nestlé, the mecca of cookie dough creations, has recently combined both baking and a popular Christmas flick into their latest premade Christmas cookie dough design. We think you’ll love them, especially if you’re a fan of the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
The cookie dough, appropriately called “Pinch of Grinch Cookie Dough” was inspired by the classic film. The come dyed in a Grinch-like green color, with each cookie containing a simple red edible candy heart in the corner. It’s pretty much the cutest thing we’ve ever seen.
“We predict your heart will grow three sizes as you fall in love with the new Nestlé Toll House Pinch of Grinch Cookie Dough,” Nestlé said. They can say that again!
Spoiler alert for those who’ve never seen the classic film: The Grinch, who absolutely despised everything Christmas related, was able to finally see the true meaning of Christmas on the big day, making his tiny heart grow three sizes. It’s a classic line in the loveable film!
Love these cookies? You’re going to want to run to your local grocery store ASAP. You can find the dough at most food stores such as Target, Kroger, Publix, and Food Lion, and will be available throughout the holidays. Each package costs just $2.99 and makes about 20 cookies, so it’s perfect for your next cookie swap, to leave out for Santa, or if you just want something fun waiting for the kids when they get home for school.
So what are you waiting for? Go grab a few packs of these Christmas cookies today!
Are you a fan of the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas? Do you think you’ll bake these Pinch of Grinch cookies this holiday season?