Disney Has Put An ‘Offensive Content’ Warning and a Disclaimer Ahead of ‘The Muppet Show’ on Their Streaming Service

We grew up watching “The Muppet Show,” and it’s pretty exciting to know that we can show some episodes to our kids now that Disney has loaded over 100 episodes to it’s streaming service Disney+. However, if you watch an episode of “The Muppet Show” on Disney+, you’ll notice something new. There is now a disclaimer before the episode plays.

Instead of modifying episodes of “The Muppet Show” to remove offensive content, Disney has decided to simply add a warning and disclaimer before the episodes play. The disclaimer states, “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now.”

Disney has not provided any details about exactly which parts of the episodes they feel are negative, but it very well may include the episode where guest star Johnny Cash performs in front of a Confederate flag.

“The Muppet Show” isn’t the only content where you will see this same warning and disclaimer on Disney+. It has also been added to movies like “Peter Pan,” “Swiss Family Robinson,” “Dumbo,” “Lady in the Tramp” and “Aristicats.”

There are definitely mixed feelings about whether or not “The Muppet Show” needs a disclaimer. Some people agree that the content is racist and offensive. Other people feel that they’re simply puppets and this disclaimer is unnecessary.

You may notice that there are some episodes of “The Muppet Show” missing from Disney+, and some of the episodes are missing songs and sketches that were present when they originally aired. According to Disney that is not because of stereotypes or negative content. Instead, it is because Disney wasn’t able to secure the rights to use the music in the episodes.

There are currently a total of 118 episodes of “The Muppet Show” available for streaming on Disney+. It is possible that the other episodes and that missing songs and sketches will be added if Disney is able to secure the usage rights in the future.

Have you seen a disclaimer before watching a movie or episode on Disney+? Do you think it was a good idea for Disney to add this disclaimer before “The Muppet Show”? Do you find the content on “The Muppet Show” offensive?