How to Extend the Life of Your Belongings

One of the best ways to save money on household “stuff” is to keep what’s in your possession looking new and remaining functional. To prevent having to buy new stuff, check out these frugal tips from Reader’s Digest for keeping your stuff in tip top shape.

  • Vacuum Out Your Hair Dryer: the dust that piles up in your hair dryer makes the motor work harder to dry your hair. To remedy this situation, press the tube of your vacuum cleaner (without an attachment) directly to the vent in your dryer to suck out the dust. If the dust won’t budge at first, pluck it loose with a toothpick and try again. Just like with an AC, the hairdryer will last much longer if you keep the vent clean.
  • Skip Fabric Softener on Towels: dryer sheets and fabric softeners coat towels with silicones, which interfere with absorbency. Instead, add a cup of white vinegar to the final rinse cycle of your wash. This will reduce static cling, act as a natural fabric softener and get rid of extra suds and soap deposits. Using vinegar will not only prolong the life of your towels. It will also save you money on laundry products.
  • Say No to Hangers for Sweaters: hanging sweaters makes them lose their shape in your closet. Fold them up nicely in a drawer instead. If you must hang them, fold sweaters in half and hang in on a hanger that has cardboard over the crossbar.

For more ways to extend the life of your belongings, head over to 9 Ways to Keep Your Stuff Looking Like New.