5 DIY Room Scents That Will Make Your Home Smell Amazing

When summer air gets thick with humidity, it’s easy for our homes to start smelling . . . not great. But that doesn’t mean we’re suddenly eager to cover up any not-so-pleasant smells with artificial sprays or plug-ins. Luckily, there are PLENTY of all-natural DIY room scents that are totally simple to mix up, filled with easy-to-find, common ingredients. Whether you need something to calm you down, wake you up, or bring back good memories, one of these combinations from Southern Living is sure to fit the bill. Watch and pick your favorite.

Did you catch all those beautifully-scented options? To make each one . . .

You’ll Need

Wake Up
– ⅓ cup cranberries
– 2 sprigs rosemary
– 6 drops peppermint oil
Autumn Harvest
– 3 orange slices
– 1 tablespoon cloves
– 4 cinnamon sticks
– 4 orange slices
– 8 slices ginger root
– 6 drops almond extract
Holiday Blend
– 8 apple slices
– 6 drops almond extract
– 4 cinnamon sticks
– 3 orange slices
Sweet Herb
– 5 lemon slices
– 2 sprigs rosemary
– 6 drops vanilla extract

Lovely! I’m going to whip up some of the Invigorating blend right now! Which scent will you make first? Do you make your own room scent jars?