‘Wine Floats’ Are a Thing and I Could Use One Right About Now

The country of America as a whole needs a few things to cheer them up right about now. With many states taking strict precautions to isolate residents in light of the coronavirus outbreak, people are undoubtedly feeling pretty low—and frankly, even a little bored in their homes.

There are lots of things you can do to pass the time. Play board games, bake cookies, organize every crevice of your home. But when that’s all behind you, what else is there to do?

In addition to toilet paper, many people have hit up liquor stores to stock up for all the time they’ll be spending at home. And if you have wine, you have half the ingredients for a perfect, delightful cocktail that’ll help put a smile on your face in no time.

Two words—say it with us: Wine. Floats.

The direction? Simple. Combine ice cream and wine (measurements are completely subjective). The result is a creamy, tangy, delicious treat that tastes great and gives you a little buzz. Plus, with just two ingredients, it’s a super easy treat to whip up.

Instagram has recently been blowing up with hundreds of people posting their delectable-looking wine floats, and let us be the first to say: They’re going to make you drool.

For example, check out this zinfandel-cherry combo. It looks simply delightful.


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Sunday was National Ice Cream day and YES, we’re still celebrating. Join the party and give our vino-infused twist on this ice cream classic a try! . 🍨 . Zinfandel Float – Fill cup/jar with vanilla bean ice cream – Pour in your favorite Zin (we used our 2017 Hideout!) – Top with cherry syrup and a couple of sweet cherries . 🍷 . Cheers! . #BrightCellars #NationalIceCreamDay #cheers #wine #winefloat #hideoutwines #hideoutzinfandel #wineandicecream #icecreamday #winenight #winepairings #winepairing #wineandfoodpairings #winestagram #winesofinstagram #winelover #winelovers #winerecipes #redwine #winephotography #icecreamfloats #summerdrinks #summercocktails #winecocktails

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Or, how about this black raspberry and chocolate concoction?

Does this rosé and strawberry mixture not look like the most refreshing drink you’ve ever seen?

And if you’re wondering, yes, you can make wine floats with white wine, too! Just take a look at this exceptional pinot grigio and vanilla combo. Yum!

For more, simply search the hashtag #winefloat on Instagram!

Have you ever tried a wine float before? What would your wine and ice cream flavor combo be?