Use Google Alerts to Save Money
Coupons & Codes: There are several brands, products and stores I buy from on a frequent basis. I have set-up several alerts with store, product, and brand name and the terms “coupon” and “code”
Sales & Deals: If I know I will be making an upcoming purchase for some product I will setup a google alert for that product’s name and the terms “deal” and “sale”.
Product Reviews: For products I am looking into purchasing I will setup a google alert for the products name and the term “review”
Money Saving Tips: I’m always interested in learning new money saving tips. I have several general money saving alerts set up including: “money saving tips”, “frugal living”, “ways to save money”, “gardening tips”. This alerts me anytime there is fresh new content on the web or in blogs that can show me how to save money.
You can setup a Google Alert at:
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