Secret to Opening Any Master Combo Lock in 8 Tries Or Less

We like to think of spring has a sort of “second New Year’s.” It’s a season of re-birth and new beginnings that serves as the perfect time to finally start taking advantage of that gym membership that you purchased last December. C’mon, don’t even try to pretend that you don’t know what we’re talking about…

Now, while you’re packing up those exercise clothes, don’t forget to slip that Master lock into your bag to ensure that no sneaky thieves decide to go through your gym locker.

What–can’t seem to remember the code to your handy lock? If so, don’t fret because today we’re going to show you a trick to open it without the original code, all in 8 tries or less!

At first, we were dubious about the hack, especially considering we usually focus our energy on securing our valuable items, not trying to crack the code to their locks, but we’ve gotta tell you, this one is pretty simple. In fact, it’s so simple, you might not want to share it with TOO many of your friends if you get our drift.

To learn the super simple–and super magical!–Master combo lock hack for yourself, be sure to watch the video below. Get ready to feel like a magician!

What do you think of this Master combo lock hack? Did it work for you? Do you know of even similar hacks that you would like to share?