Did you know that you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite t-shirt just because you’ve worn a hole in it? That’s right—there is actually a way to repair the garment to a wearable condition all without touching that sewing machine. It’s the absolute easiest way to extend the life of those shirts because — get this — the process won’t take you more than 10 minutes!
If that t-shirt hole is one of those tiny-yet-annoying pinpricks, our no-sew method is the absolute best way to take care of it. No needle and thread, no bumpy stitches, and nearly no time at all.
No-Sew T-Shirt Repair
- Damaged shirt (hole should be in the shape of a pinhole, measuring to 5 millimeters or less)
- Iron
- Ironing board
- Fusible bonding web
- Cutaway stabilizer
- Pressing cloth (or any nontextured cotton cloth free of printing or embellishments can be used)
- Spray bottle filled with water
Heat it up.
Turn your t-shirt inside out and place it on the ironing board with the hole facing towards you. Iron the section of material on and around the hole until the area is completely wrinkle-free. Once cool, use your finger to bring together the excess pieces of string around the hole so that it is completely covered.
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Prepare the repair.
Take a 1-inch square of fusible bonding web and set it over the damaged area. Then take a slightly larger piece of cutaway stabilizer and place it directly over the piece of fusible bonding web.
Bandage up that hole.
Switch your iron to the wool setting. (Don’t worry about any fabric damage; this method is safe for any cotton tee.) Gently place a pressing cloth over the fusible bonding web and stabilizer, and lightly dampen the area using a spray bottle.
Once moistened, take your heated iron and place it directly on top of the damaged area and the layers of bonding web, stabilizer, and pressing cloth. Without moving or pressing, leave the iron in place for 10 seconds, then carefully remove so as not to disturb the webbing.
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Perform the finishing touches
Remove the cloth and turn the tee inside out so that the “right” side is facing you. Take a look at the hole; if you notice that not all loose threads have merged, repeat step one and gather the area together by using your fingers. Then, press the side with the iron once again.
This process may take you a few tries, but once you get it, you will know—that unsightly hole will be completely gone! Simply repeat the the finger-pressing and iron-pressing steps until your shirt is as good as new.
What do you think of this no-sew patching technique? Have you ever tried this particular method before? How do you mend your t-shirts?