‘Miracle Baby’ Born Weighing Just 1 Pound is Heading Home from the Hospital

Premature baby girl Hannah Bella Rodriguez was discharged from the hospital after spending three months in intensive care. She has rightfully earned the nickname of “miracle baby” after her rocky start in life.

The mother, Jennifer Pena de Mena, was hospitalized in June with pregnancy complications when doctors decided to deliver the baby 13 weeks early in July. The baby girl’s heart rate was beginning to weaken, and they were worried about her survival.

Hannah was born by c-section on July 11 weighing just 1 pound, 4 ounces, the smallest preemie ever born at Nassau University Medical Center. Her original due date was October 5.

Hannah’s doctors spoke on how she was the size of an adult hand at the time of her birth, and now she has grown to 5 pounds, 5 ounces. They pointed out that while many infants her size wind up having major health problems or don’t make it at all, Hannah is doing extremely well. She is thriving on her own!

She is truly a miracle baby. In this video, her mother can be seen thanking hospital staff and remarking on how she never lost faith that her baby would make it. The hospital held a special ceremony to celebrate Hannah’s progress and graduation.

Her mother will continue to bring the baby to her premature pediatric visits to ensure that she stays healthy but stated that she knows everything will be alright now. Watch this clip to see the beautiful baby girl and to hear more about her inspiring story.