Homemade Gift Idea: Herb-Infused Honey

Here’s another great, frugal and personal hostess gift idea to try out. It won’t take you too long, requires few ingredients, and is pretty impressive once it’s finished and jarred.

Here’s what you’ll need to make it:

  • Honey, of course. The Kitchn recommends using a light, mild-flavored honey.
  • A single herb or a combination (i.e. rosemary, sage, thyme, mint, lemon, balm, lavender, chamomile, rose petals, pine needles, vanilla beans, cinnamon sticks, etc.) Make sure herbs are dry when you use them.
  • Clean, dry jars and lids
  • A stirrer, like a chopstick or a wooden spoon handle
  • Clean cloth
  • Strainer

For full instructions on how to make your infused honey, head on over to The Kitchn’s How to Make Herb-Infused Honey.