He Takes a Hand Blender to a Watermelon – I Had Know Idea You Could Do This

Have you ever tried watermelon juice? If you love watermelon, then you have to try this before the summer is out. To make the delicious, healthy beverage, all you need to do is cut a hole out of the top of the watermelon. Then you grab a hand blender to do the rest of the magic for you. J. Pereira Art Carving shows us how it’s done:

Eating (or drinking!) watermelon on a daily basis isn’t only a tasty idea – it’s a really smart idea. Did you know that daily watermelon consumption can reduce your blood pressure, improve your circulation, and improve your cardiovascular health? And that’s only the beginning! Check out our 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Watermelon This Summer post to learn more about the awesome health benefits of watermelon.