Grandma Asked To Get Up And Dance With Her, Then Steals The Show

If you’re older than 20-something, you know that as you age, you still pretty much remain the same person as you were when you were younger, at least at heart. Sure, you may start to see wrinkles and gray hair, but you have the same interests and the same sense of fun.

You can’t put an age limit on fun, after all. From a very early age, babies learn to smile and express their own sense of joy. In the same way, even grandparents like to smile, let loose and have fun.

For example, you might think that water slides are just for kids, but we’ve seen a grandmother squeal with glee while sliding down a water slide for the first time in who knows how long.

Then there’s another grandma who came up with a fun gift idea for her grandkids to make sure she didn’t miss out on the fun. She made an “adventure box” out of a treasure chest she found at a craft store and included an envelope for each month. Inside each envelope was an activity for the grandchild to do with grandma such as go on a picnic or go see a movie.

Then there’s this grandma who likes to dance. Her family was gathered together and decided to have a talent show. When her granddaughter got up to dance, this 85-year-old grandma wanted to join in the fun.

At first glance, you wouldn’t expect much from this grandma. She’s a little hunched over, and she’s holding a cane. How could she dance in a talent show?

She proves that you definitely can’t judge a book by its cover…or a grandma by her cane.

After watching her keep in step with her granddaughter and even spin around without using her cane, we’re kind of wondering if she needs the cane at all. The smile on her face shows just how much fun she’s having, and the cheers from the audience (her family) show just how happy they are to see this little old lady steel the show.

We don’t know for sure who won the talent show, but our bet is on grandma. Watch her performance in the video below.

What activities do your grandparents enjoy? Can they dance as well as this grandma?