Graduate Degrees That Don’t Pay

If you’ve been out of work or if you’re looking for an edge in the job market then you may be looking to further your education in graduate school. If you’re looking to obtain more than a bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields, then Bankrate has some degrees you might actually want to avoid because they won’t pay off.

  • Master of Fine Arts. You’ll find varying tuition costs, most being pretty expensive. A study has shown that this additional schooling will only show about a 3 percent raise in potential income.
  • Computer engineering. After your obtain your bachelor’s degree, you are better off working and getting the valuable on the job training and knowledge that is more valuable than what you get in a classroom.
  • Law Degree from a Bottom-Tier School. This is one of the pricier educations you can get, and you don’t want to skimp on your institution of choice.

    A 2011 National Association for Law Placement survey found that, while 88 percent of 2010 law school graduates were employed, not all grads had positions in their field. Nearly 9 percent worked in “other capacities,” and 11 percent worked part time. And while 18 percent of 2010 graduates were able to obtain starting salaries of around $160,000, nearly half of reporting graduates were making annual salaries that fell between $40,000 and $65,000.

To find more Graduate Degrees That Don’t Pay Off head over to Bankrate.