Finding Deals at Walmart

Walmart. It seems that people either love ’em or hate ’em.

To some, Walmart is a great way to save money, stretch the dollar a little further, and make ends meet.

To others, Walmart epitomizes all of the problems and evils that are often associated with large corporations in America.

Regardless of which side you’re on, one thing seems pretty certain: Walmart is going to take pride in trying to have really low prices. After all, their tagline includes the words “Save Money”, and their website says that founder Sam Walton’s goal was, “Saving people money to help them live better”. And the slogan prior to the current one? “Always low prices. Always.”

So shopping at Walmart could be a way to save money, depending on what you’re looking to purchase. But we wondered if there are any ways you can save money at Walmart on top of their already low prices?

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A few ways to find deals at Walmart:
  • Buy discounted gift cards.  Lets say John Doe gets a $100 Walmart gift card for his birthday but doesn’t shop at Walmart and, thus, doesn’t want the card. But John Doe also doesn’t want to throw away $100 in value. Well, thanks to the Internet, he can sell his card to someone else through a few different websites, such aseBay and – assuming he’s willing to sell it for less than $100. And if you’re a frequent Walmart shopper and know that you’ll have no problem using up a Walmart gift card, you might be able to get John Doe’s gift card for $90 or $80 or possibly even less.
  • Clearance and Rollback.  Walmart has a “Clearance” section in most of its main categories on its website (see full list with links below), as well as in many of their stores. These items can sell for a lot lower than their initial prices. They also “Rollback” prices, as their commercials have demonstrated over the years (the yellow smiley face zooming all over the store, rolling back prices) on products they’re looking to move quickly. You can find these “Rollback” prices both on their website and also in the stores. So while Walmart prides itself on having low prices, you might be able to get even lower prices if you know where to look.
  • $4 Prescription Program.  Walmart makes over over 350 prescription drugs available for only $4 for a 30-day supply and $10 for a 90-day supply. You can also get over 1,000 over-the-counter medications for only $4 for a 30-day supply. Walmart $4 Prescription Program
  • Haggle.  Look for items that are slightly damaged in places that don’t have a negative effect on your enjoyment and/or use of the product, or items that are opened, and ask for a discount on the item. If you don’t have success at first, seek out a store manager or supervisor and see if they will provide you with a discount. We have heard that this has worked for some people so we think it’s worth a try.
  • Free Samples and Free Trials.  We love free, and while samples are typically small, every bit helps – and who knows, maybe you’ll discover something new that you like. The free trials, last we looked, were pretty skimpy, but still worth checking out every now and then.

    While Walmart does offer low prices on a number of products, don’t assume that everything you find at Walmart is a good deal or a better price than what you can find elsewhere. And just because something is on sale, marked for clearance, or “rolled back”, doesn’t mean you need it or that it’s a good deal. Stick to a list and what you need and take advantage of the deals only if they fit within your budget.

  • Walmart Clearance — Apparel Category
  • Walmart Clearance — Baby Category
  • Walmart Clearance — Electronics Category
  • Walmart Clearance — Home Category
  • Walmart Clearance — Sports & Fitness Category
  • Walmart Clearance — Toys Category
  • Walmart In Store Rollbacks
  • Walmart $4 Prescription Program
  • Walmart Free Samples
  • Walmart Free Trials

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    Photo credit: The Consumerist