Essential Safety Tips to Follow When Using Craigslist

If you’re looking to buy or sell used items, Craigslist is definitely one of the hottest spots to check out. However, though there are many upsides to using Craigslist, there are also dangers that can be related to using it (as seen often on the news). Here are some important safety measures you should follow when buying or selling on Craigslist:

  • Use a Secondary Gmail Account: a secondary Gmail account should be one that you wouldn’t mind being hacked, stolen or spammed. Craigslist will protect your initial correspondence, but after first contact, you’re on your own. The secondary Gmail account will serve as an extra layer of security.
  • Use a Google Voice Number: link up a Google Voice number to your secondary Gmail account. This will be a separate phone number that reroutes incoming calls without having to give out your real number.
  • Pick a Public Location with High Traffic: pick a time during daylight hours at a high foot traffic place. Be sure to pick a place that you are familiar with, not an area that you are uncomfortable in or with.