The Long-Standing Urban Legend About Tootsie Pop Wrappers Has Finally Been Debunked

If you didn’t have at least one Tootsie Roll pop a week during your childhood days, were you even a child? We kid, we kid.

But seriously, the well-known brand has been around since 1931, and while we’ll never know quite how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootise Pop, we do have some shocking and slightly upsetting news that recently surfaced after so many years.

All right, so think back to your childhood days when you unwrap your pop and stick it in your mouth. Besides salivate, what’s the other thing you’d do before anything else? Investigate the wrapper, right?

There was always that rumor that if you had a wrapper with a Native American man and a shooting star with a bow and arrow, you could get a free Tootsie Pop. It was rare, but whenever you’d see it, it was the most exciting thing in the world.

But think back: Did you ever actually get a free Tootsie Pop when you saw the man shooting the arrow?

We’re thinking no—because it just came out recently that the free pop if you had the man on your wrapper? Yeah, it means nothing.

“Since the creation of the Tootsie Pop in 1931, the meaning and origin of the shooting star on the wrapper has become a topic of discussion and has been in circulation for generations,” a spokesperson posted on the brand’s website. “It has been rumored that local convenience stores used to give a free Tootsie Pop to anyone who brought in a wrapper containing the image of the shooting star. Unfortunately, we do not know how this rumor started and Tootsie Roll Industries has never actually honored this promotion.”

To blow your mind even further, it turns out that the depiction of the shooting star isn’t even all that rare—or rare at all! It appears on 1 in every 4 to 6 Tootsie Pop wrappers, which is actually just as frequent as the other images appear. WE DO NOT KID. Our mind is blown and our dreams are shattered.

For a small silver lining, there is at least some meaning to the shooting star image.

“Mr. Owl informed us that one night he was sitting on his branch and he came across a shooting star in the sky. He suggested that we add the shooting star on the Tootsie Pop wrapper to give our fans the necessary luck that may be needed to find out just how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop,” the website states.

They also added that the star could be a sign of good luck to come. That’s great and all, but our childhoods are still a little bit ruined. I guess now we’ll just have to focus on how many licks it tastes to get to the chewy, chocolatey center. No one has figured it out to this day—there have even been studies done on the matter with no avail!

Were you a believer that if you had the shooting star on your wrapper that you would get a free pop? Can you remember that ever happening? How blown in your mind right now that it was all just a myth?