Experts Explain Why You Might Want to Think Twice Before Killing a Spider in Your Home
There are two types of people in this world: those who hate spiders with every fiber of their being and those who just generally HATE spiders. Of course, there is an exception to every rule; if you’re a big Charlotte’s Web fan, you’ve likely looked within yourself to find at least something you like about the creepy-crawly creatures, but other than that, virtually NO ONE else likes the horrifying arachnids.
But, no matter what camp you may fall into, it’s important that you always stay open to the facts about these much-reviled insects–even if you can’t stand the sight of them. This is because your hatred for these bugs is probably completely unfounded, as spiders actually do their best to keep all insects–including themselves!–far away from you and your family. Believe us, their behavior is actually a far cry from what Hollywood would like you to believe it to be.
How spiders make your home a cozier–and safer!–one
If these spider photos are freaking you out, then GOOD–our goal here is to force you to confront your fears so that you can become desensitized to the scarier side of these amazing creatures.
See? It’s getting better, right?
Ok, maybe not. But, now that you’ve confronted your fears at least a little, let’s take a look at how sparing the ones that live in your home can make your space a much more peaceful one.
For one, spiders are a natural part of our ecosystem–even our indoor ecosystems. Entomologist Matt Bertone from North Carolina State University conducted research on a whopping 50 homes in his state, and he found that each and every home had spiders in it.
His findings showed that the most common types of spiders in homes are cobweb spiders and cellar spiders, otherwise known as “daddy long legs.”
Luckily, most cobweb and cellar spiders are completely harmless to humans and are actually known to be allies to us. This is because these spiders generally don’t want to have ANYTHING to do with humans– in fact, they do their bests to stay hidden in dark corners and crevices, places where their prey most often lurk.
And, speaking of predators, the ones that the most common house spiders typically like to trap and munch on are the ones that all of us want to keep far away from our homes, like earwigs and roaches. To sweeten the deal even more, they also have a tendency to take care of the disease-spreading bugs that are known to BITE, like flies and mosquitoes. Some varieties even eat other dangerous spiders, like Black Widows.
Are you starting to warm up to these creepy-crawlies more now?
We sure hope so! So, the next time you see a little guy scurrying across your ceiling, don’t scream in horror and smash the sucker with the nearest heavy object you can find; instead, let him flourish–and reap the benefits of living with fewer pests!
We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things spiders! Do you suffer from arachnophobia? If so, do these facts make you feel differently about spiders? Do you have any tips for overcoming the fear?
Sources: Curiosity