DIY Summer Popsicles

Pass on ice cream joints and trucks this summer by taking a leaf out of Frugal Village’s book. During the summer, making your own Popsicles is a piece of cake and is generally a lot healthier than the stuff you’ll by at the store or from a truck. Here are two great recipes, for little kids and big kids alike.

Homemade Pudding Pops

Combine a 3.4 ounce box of chocolate pudding, 2 cups milk and 1/2 cup whipped topping. Spoon into Dixie cups (3/4) and insert a Popsicle stick. Freeze until frozen through. Peel off cup before eating and enjoy!

Kool-Aid Popsicles

Mix together 1 package of fruit-flavored gelatin, 1 packet of Kool-Aid, 2/3 cup hot water and 1 cup sugar until dissolved in a large pitcher. Add cold water. Pour into Popsicle mold and freeze.

These recipes are featured in Frugal Village’s article about setting savings goals for summer. To check out the full article, head over to Set summertime savings goals.