I have seen some big babies in my day but nothing like the babies in this 5 biggest babies in the world video. If you think that babies are bigger these days, you may be surprised to know that the biggest baby in history was born in Seville, Ohio back in 1879 and weighed in at a whopping 22 pounds and was 28 inches long. Of course, the mother was a giantess, towering at 7 feet 11 inches.

When our daughter was born, she weighed in at 7.25 pounds and was very long. However, the babies in this video start tipping the scales at 16 pounds. My jaw dropped when I saw the size of the current biggest baby in the world.

We are not sure whether we are seeing a trend in babies who are weighing more when they are born. Most babies are born between 5 pounds, 8 ounces and 8 pounds, 13 ounces.

Some of the babies in this video are born at weights that some infants do not reach until 12 months. The average weight of 12 month-olds in the US is around 22 pounds for females and 23 pounds for males.

Are babies born today bigger than they were in years past? According to a National Institute of Health study: “Infants born after 1970 were 450g heavier and 1.4cm longer at birth, but demonstrated slower growth to one year, than infants born before 1970.”

If a baby is born heavier than average does it mean that baby will be overweight? This is totally anecdotal but after asking my Mom this question she told me that the heaviest babies in her family became very fit and svelte when they matured.

In a world where childhood obesity is growing at rampant rates, just because because a baby was born at a higher birthweight does not mean they are going to grow up obese. Do you have any babies that tipped the scales at an above average weight? If so, did they end up being above weight on average as they grew up?