Best Places to Sell 4 Popular Household Items

If you’ve been doing some seasonal cleaning in your home, chances are you’ve found some things that may be in good condition that you don’t need cluttering up your home anymore. You can easily turn a profit on a some of these things. Bankrate has some great advice for where you’ll be the most successful with selling depending on the item. Take a look:

Small Electronics and Televisions

If you’ve got small electronics that are a year or two old, then Ebay is probably the way to go. However, if you’re selling something bigger like a flat screen TV (which will most likely sell well on Ebay), just let the buyer know that it’s pickup only or that the buyer should be in charge of shipping.

You can also use online used-electronics buyers like Gazelle. Check them out and see what they’d pay for your electronics based on make, model and condition.


Some people actually make a living selling books on Amazon. You can buy books at garage sales, using a bar code scanner app to tell you what the book is going for on Amazon. Then you could buy that book cheaply and sell it for more

On the flip side, if you’re looking to make a profit off of a ton of books you want to get rid of, you might have the most luck with a garage sale.


“Definitely collectibles are an eBay thing to sell,” says [Aaron] LaPedis, [author of “The Garage Sale Millionaire.”]. But do your research first. Some of those things may seem like collectibles, but they’re not because they’re made in the millions, says [Leah] Ingram, [author of “Toss, Keep, Sell!: The Suddenly Frugal Guide to Cleaning Out the Clutter and Cashing In,”] “If you are trying to figure out if your Precious Moments cherub is worth anything, do an advanced search on eBay only for sold items to see if they’re even selling and for what. You may be pleasantly surprised at how many have sold and for what amount. It’s a great way to see what the market will bear.”


Garage sales are great places for selling toys. You can also stress that you’re selling “like-new” or “really good condition” toys on Ebay and be successful, especially in the summer and before Christmas.

Find more advice over at Bankrate’s Best Places to Sell 8 Popular Household Items.