Band-Aid Announces a New Line of Bandages With a Wider Range of Skin Tones

When you buy a standard box of Band-Aids, that’s just what you get: Standard Band-Aids—aka Band-Aids in the color of a white person’s skin.

If your skin tone matches the color of the Band-Aid, you’ve probably never thought twice about it. But what if your skin tone is darker than that color? You may have wondered why you had to strut around with a Band-Aid much lighter than what you look like.

In light of the Black Lives Matter movement and protests, Band-Aid recently announced that they’re now offering a new line of Band-Aids with a much wide range of skin tones than ever before, anywhere from a light beige to a dark brown and everything in between.

“We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators and community in the fight against racism, violence and injustice,” said Band-Aid’s Instagram message announcing the initiative. “We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community. We are committed to launching a range of bandages in light, medium and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin. We are dedicated to inclusivity and providing the best healing solutions, better representing you.”


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We hear you. We see you. We’re listening to you.⁣ ⁣ We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators and community in the fight against racism, violence and injustice. We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community.⁣ ⁣ We are committed to launching a range of bandages in light, medium and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin. We are dedicated to inclusivity and providing the best healing solutions, better representing you.⁣ ⁣ In addition, we will be making a donation to @blklivesmatter.⁣ We promise that this is just the first among many steps together in the fight against systemic racism.⁣ ⁣ We can, we must and we will do better.

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Band-Aid, owned by Johnson & Johnson, was founded in 1920, so many people have wondered what took so long in offering a variety of Band-Aid colors. However, we can all agree it’s better late than never!

To learn more about Band-Aid’s decision to launch their new line of colored Band-Aids, check out the video below.

Have you ever wondered why Band-Aid only had one color bandage for their 100 years of existence? What do you think of Band-Aid’s decision to come out with a more diverse line of Band-Aids?