Baby-Proofing on a Budget

If you have a little one on the way, you have a lot of expenses to prepare for. Baby-proofing your home is one of those essential things that needs to be done to ensure baby’s safety, but this can be done on the cheap with a little imagination. Check out some solutions from Parenting Squad:

  • Use Velcro: attach Velcro to walls and shelves to provide enough support so that shelves won’t topple onto the baby. Attach Velcro with finishing nails or some type of putty. You can also use Velcro to anchor objects to shelves (if it doesn’t ruin the decor, of course). While this method may not completely prevent baby from throwing items across the room, it may buy you a bit of time.
  • Make Your Own Baby Gates: try using a large, sturdy piece of fabric with grommets in the corners to attach hooks on either side. The solution isn’t perfect but a bonus is that your little one will hit something soft if they crawl into it as opposed to a hard plastic gate.

For more cheap baby-proofing ideas, head over to 5 Not-SO-Obvious Solutions to Babyproofing Problems.