8 Things You Don’t Need For a New Baby, But They Say You Do

Babies are big business in this country. There’s cribs, clothes, car seats, strollers, you name it. SimpleMom is out with a list of 8 Things you don’t need for a new baby, but they say you do. Here’s a couple items from their list:

4. Diaper pail
We had a Diaper Champ with our daughter, but with our son, we just have a standard trash can that you open with a foot lever. We keep it outside on our balcony, and I think this simple method has kept our home much less smelly than an indoor diaper pail.

6. Changing table
With our oldest, my husband made a nifty catch-all type piece of furniture with shelves and a dowel for hanging baby dresses (it didn’t hurt that he was a carpenter). We put a changing pad on top, and used that as our changing table.

With our son, we simply put a changing pad on top of his dresser. There’s no need to take up valuable square footage with a piece of furniture that does just one thing.

8. Baby lotion
I still have some from our almost five-year-old daughter. Babies have the softest, sweetest-smelling skin on their own, and I can’t think of any lotion that would enhance it.

Check out the entire list: The Things You Don’t Need (But They Say You Do) For a New Baby