5 Surefire Ways to De-Stink Your Smelliest Stuff

Despite our best efforts, sometimes nasty smells creep up in our homes. Whether you’ve got kids, pets or are on a workout regime, you might have to deal with smells that can’t be combatted by using a washing machine or normal cleaning methods. If you’re dealing with some common gross smells, here are some easy tricks for eliminating them:

Musty Smells

When clothes have that musty, “basement” smell, two of our household heroes can come to the rescue. Throw musty coats, bedding or clothing in the washing machine. Add a cup of vinegar at the outset, and add another cup during the rinse cycle.

You can also do the same thing with baking soda. Add a cup to the wash, then wash as hot as the fabric allows for.

Smelly Feet

Even the cleanest of us can suffer from stinky shoes. There are several different ways that you can get unpleasant odors out of your shoes. But to start, try adding some baking soda to them at night. If that doesn’t work, try putting them in a bag with banking soda and closing the bag tight over night.

Cigarette Smoke

It’s pretty easy to walk into a car or home and know if there has been a smoker there. If you want to get rid of that smell, you can try a couple of different things. If you’re trying to get the smell out of wood, plastic or metal furniture, them just wash it with a mixture of warm water and vinegar. With wood, wipe the surface with the mixture and wipe dry with a towel before letting it air dry. With plastics and metals, soak them in the solution for a few minutes before rinsing and allowing to air dry.

The vinegar smell will not last long, but if the smell bothers you, adding a few drops of essential oils may help (lemon or lavender would be a good choice). Linoleum floors, ceilings, walls and plastics can be washed with a water and bleach mixture will help to remove the smells from those that are safe from bleach.

Animal Smells

When a simple run through the washing machine doesn’t work, try this cleaning solution. Mix together 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of dish detergent. Rub the mixture into what’s affected by the smell and let it sit a bit before you wash regularly. Just be careful about what you put hydrogen peroxide on as it can bleach some fabrics and materials.

We’ve also got some other great tips for eliminating pet odors from your home.

Mold and Mildew

When bleach isn’t an option, then reach for the Borax. Borax will kill the mold as well as deodorize your fabric. Here’s what Wise Bread says to do:

Add half of a cup to some hot water, giving it time to dissolve before adding it to the washing machine. Run the items through the wash on the longest cycle possible to maximize the borax. When fabrics can’t be run through the washing machine — or bleach is not an option — add borax to water with some mild detergent to spot wash out the mold.

Thanks to Wise Bread for the tips!