Modern technology has changed the way we do business in many, many ways, and we’re not just talking about all of the Zoom meetings that everyone has had since the pandemic started.

Maybe we’re dating ourselves, but back in the day, files used to mean actual pieces of paper in a file folder in a filing cabinet. It’s hard to believe, we know. All that paperwork can be overwhelming.

Even now, there are times when we have to print something out and find somewhere to file it away. For example, if you have ever had important documents to sign, you probably know what we’re talking about. While sometimes there is the option to esign something, this isn’t always the case. More than once, we have had to go through a multi-step process of printing out a document, signing it, and taking a picture of it or scanning it to send it back to the person who sent it to us. Even worse, sometimes we actually have to mail the physical piece of paper to someone through the post office. Email would be so much easier.

Maybe you already have a piece of paper in front of you that you need to sign and send back to someone. No pen? No problem. You can scan it right into your iPhone, sign it in the Notes app and email it back. Twitter user Sven Henrich decided to share this convenient that hack every iPhone user needs to know.

In a video he posted on Twitter, Henrich shows us how easy it is to add a signature using the Notes app on your iPhone. Watch the video below to see this process step by step.

As shown in the video, all you have to do is click on the Notes app and choose “Scan Document.” After you have scanned the document, choose “Markup” and select “Signature.” You can change the size of your signature and move it where you would like it to go on the document. Then, open the Mail app to immediately email the document you just scanned and signed.

Henrich’s video has gone viral with over well over 7 million views, but not everyone agrees that this feature is helpful. Some viewers pointed out that it’s legally binding in court if you simply type “I agree” in an email instead of actually signing something.

Do you find Henrich’s video helpful? Do you have to sign and email documents very often?

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