Halloween is fast approaching—have you figured out what you’re going to dress up as? How you’re going to celebrate in a COVID-friendly way? What scary movies to watch in your spooky Halloween marathon?

…Found the polar bear among the ghosts?

If you’re not sure what we’re talking about with that last one, then you probably haven’t seen Gergely Dudás (aka “Dudolf”)’s latest puzzle.

Dudolf, a children’s book illustrator, is famous for his seek-and-find picture games. Basically, he draws hidden objects into his illustrations, offering fun and mindless activities for kids—and if we’re being honest, adults too. You can go down a rabbit hole on some of his creations!

For example, can you find the bee queen among the bees in the photo below?

How about the parrot without the pair?

The doe that’s hiding among the stags?

Dudolf recently has been testing his fans with some holiday fodder too—aka adorable Halloween illustrations to find related items in.

His illustration to find the little polar bear among a crowd of white cheery ghosts has proven to be a bit difficult for some—but others can find it in 10 seconds flat! Want to give it a go? Check out the photo below.


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Happy Halloween! Can You find the polar bear among the ghosts?

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We can’t lie—it really did take us a few minutes to find the polar bear—but you once you find him you can’t unsee him. Hint: Look for the ears!

How quickly were you able to find the polar bear?

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