It’s the most festive time of the year. Our tree is up and decorated. Christmas lights twinkle at night on houses in the neighborhood. We’re almost done wrapping Christmas presents.

It’s also the time of year when many people argue about whether or not “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie. After all, what makes a Christmas movie a Christmas movie? For some people, it needs to be sprinkled with Christmas magic throughout the entire story. For other people, being set at Christmastime is enough to make it a classic that they want to watch every year. “Die Hard” falls in the second category.

It turns out that different states tend to have different Christmas movie preferences. Comparitech compiled the data to discover what Christmas movie is the absolute favorite in each state. There aren’t many duplicates, and honestly, there are a few movies on this list we had forgotten about, but there are plenty of classics too.

In order to figure out which movie is the most popular in each state, Comparitech looked at the 50 most popular Christmas movies according to IMDB. Then, they searched each movie on Google Trends to determine which one had the highest score in each state.

Look at the map below to see which Christmas movie is most popular in your state.

This is an interesting mix of movies. There are plenty of classic films, like the winner in Maine and Wisconsin, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and Delaware’s pick, the 1947 version of “Miracle on 34th Street.” There are also several winners that were just released last year including Minnesota’s pick, “Noelle,” and Hawaii’s pick, “The Knight Before Christmas.”

Interestingly enough, “Die Hard” is the most popular Christmas movie in several states including Alaska, Nebraska and Washington. The answer to whether or not “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie might depend on where you live.

Another not too surprising observation is that if a movie was set in a certain state, it tends to be more popular there. For example, “Christmas in Connecticut” is the most popular movie in Connecticut and “Home Alone,” which is set in Illinois, is the most popular Christmas movie in Illinois.

Regardless of which state you live in, if you’re trying to decide which Christmas movie to watch next, this is a great list to work your way through.

What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Do you agree with the most popular Christmas movie in your state? Do you think “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie? Are there any movies on this list that you haven’t seen yet?

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