We hope that you never get COVID-19. Especially now that that the FDA has granted emergency use authorization of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, we can only hope that the pandemic will end in the near future.

Let’s be honest though. The pandemic is not over, and at this point, chances are you or someone you know has tested positive for COVID-19.

While there are lots of recommendations about how to prevent getting COVID-19, it’s a little bit harder to know what you’re supposed to do if you end up getting it. First of all, if you think there’s any chance you might have COVID-19, and we can’t stress this enough, stay home. Don’t go anywhere, and we mean anywhere. Get your COVID-19 test and stay home the entire time you wait for the results.

If that COVID-19 test comes back negative (meaning, you don’t have the novel coronavirus), congratulations. As you were. Wear your face mask, social distance, wash your hands, and proceed with life as you were before getting tested.

If that COVID-19 test comes back positive (meaning, you do have the novel coronavirus), you need to continue to stay home, but that’s not all. Here are 11 other things you need to do.

  1. Don’t Panic

    That might be easier said than done, but it’s true. Practice stress relieving exercises. Take a deep breath. Do something that will help you stay calm. Stress will not help you get better. Do your best to try to relax.

  2. Stay Home

    We already said this, but we think it can’t be repeated enough. Don’t go anywhere at all. Don’t go to the grocery store. Don’t go for a walk in the park. Definitely don’t go visit friends or family. Just stay home even if you think you feel fine. This is the time to catch up your Netflix binge watching and put together way too many puzzles. if you feel up to it, you can work or attend classes via Zoom, but don’t leave your home.

  3. Contact School and Work

    If anyone in your household works outside the home or attends school in-person, you need to contact the workplace and school immediately. Everyone in your household needs to stay home. Not just you. The members of your household should also get tested for COVID-19.

  4. Isolate

    If you’re not the only person who lives in your home, you should ideally isolate in a room with an adjoining bathroom. If this is not possible, do your best to keep your distance from other members of your household and always wear a face mask. Any surfaces you touch need to be sanitized. This is a great time to use disposable plates, silverware, paper towels, etc.

  5. Call Your Doctor

    Be sure to let your primary care physician know that you have tested positive for COVID-19. Also, if you have children, be sure to let their pediatrician know in case your children end up testing positive as well. You doctor will know your medical history and will most likely have advice about what you should do next.

  6. Buy a Pulse Oximeter

    If you’re not sure how you would know if you should go to the emergency room or not, a pulse oximeter makes it clear. The device measures your heart rate and the oxygen saturation in your blood. If your levels dip below 90%, it’s time to head to the ER.

  7. Stock Up On Supplies

    Again. Do not leave your house. Order online, use a home delivery service, or ask a friend to go shopping for you. You’ll want to make sure you’re stocked up on everything from toilet paper and hand soap to your favorite comfort foods. Make sure you do not come in contact with whoever delivers your supplies. Have them leave them the supplies outside your door and wait until they are gone before bringing the items in your home.

  8. Pay Attention to Your Symptoms

    Choose a place to write down your symptoms day by day. It could be a cute notebook, an app on your phone or anywhere else that works for you. If your symptoms change, you may not remember what day it was unless your write it down. This information could be very helpful to doctors if your symptoms get worse. If you buy an oximeter, be sure to write down the results and write down your temperature as well as any other symptoms your notice.

  9. Get Plenty of Rest

    Even if you feel okay, your body is still fighting a virus. Lying on your stomach and putting a pillow under your belly can increase the amount of air that makes it to your lungs.

  10. Don’t Lay Down All the Time

    Just because you received a positive test for COVID-19 does not mean you have to be on strict bed rest. It’s actually good for you to get up and move around. Once again, don’t leave your home, but be as active as you can where you are.

  11. Stay Hydrated

    Your body needs plenty of fluids to fight a virus. Avoid caffeine to prevent becoming dehydrated.

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