If you’ve ever wished to hike through the real-life Hundred Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh’s tales, you will be disappointed to learn that a wildfire destroyed nearly 35 acres of it.

Ashdown Forest, the setting and inspiration behind A.A. Milne’s series of children’s stories, was the site of a sweeping fire on Sunday night. The blaze moved quickly and required the work of multiple fire crews from surrounding areas.

During the 1920s, Milne and his family would spend a few months of the year at a country home near Ashdown Forest. Milne’s son, Christopher Robin, would recount his time there exploring the woods, and playing near the streams. The beauty of the forest and its popular bridge where kids played “Poohsticks” are a huge draw for tourists.

In spite of this sad news about the fire, visitors can still enjoy what’s still left of the 6500-acre wood. The idea that Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, and all their friends lived here still brings people a lot of joy.

Firefighters left the scene in Ashdown Forest on Monday morning but will return later to assess the damage and investigate a possible cause. So far, it does not seem to be intentional.

Have you ever been to Ashdown Forest? Are you sad to hear this news about Winnie the Pooh’s fictional home?


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