It would be so easy to be healthy if all healthy food tasted as good as the unhealthy stuff, right? Of course, a carrot could never taste as good as a cupcake. Or could it?

It turns out that there are lots of healthy foods that taste just as good, if not better, than junk food. In a Reddit thread titled “What healthy food tastes just as good as unhealthy food?” people share their best answers.

Here are the best answers below—keep them in mind next time you’re craving something unhealthy!

  1. Smoothies

    “I eat a smoothie with yogurt, peanut butter, almond milk, oats, chia seeds, banana, strawberry, and pineapple pretty much every day before work and still haven’t gotten sick of it after over two years. I don’t get breaks at work and this thing keeps me going my whole 8-9 hour shift.”

  2. Guacamole

    “The secret is using enough salt. Avocado and salt alone is gold. Lime juice and you’re in heaven.”

  3. Pistachios

    “I cannot keep pistachios in my house because I’ll eat all of them. I once bought a Costco bag. Never again.”

  4. Peaches

    “When they are just ripe is their peak of flavor.”

  5. Hummus

    “Well, hummus is healthy if you eat it like a normal person. For some reason, I can’t help but eat the whole family size hummus in one setting.”

  6. Beans

    “They are the perfect food.”

  7. Dates

    “They are sweet and taste like caramel. There are many health benefits such as it being high fiber and nutritious.”

  8. Greek salad

    “Greek salad is bomb. Has cheese, cucumbers, bell peppers…doesn’t get any better than that!”

  9. Eggs

    “Once you get scrambled eggs down, you’re set for life.”

  10. Fresh-picked berries

    “Especially when they’re still warm from the sun. I can eat a bowl of them like a bowl of chips.”

  11. Roasted potatoes

    “I cut them up, put some olive oil on them, and then throw some fresh thyme and rosemary on them and bake them in the oven. I absolutely love them and they’re so much better than fries. (Homemade bakes fries are also killer).”

  12. Mushrooms

    “Oh my Gooooood, who needs meat when you’ve got sautéed mushrooms?”

  13. Cold grapes

    “Best snack ever when you want something sweet.”

What healthy food do you love that tastes almost as good as unhealthy food?

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