Sometimes what starts out as a mistake can turn into something truly wonderful. This doesn’t always happen, but sometimes it does. Like that time we put too much sugar in our favorite banana bread recipe. It was amazing.

When we think of delicious food, we also think of sharing it with our family and friends, and there’s no better time to do that than Thanksgiving.

Just like many Americans, Wanda Dench hosts a huge Thanksgiving feast at her home. She has all the usual fixings, and she invites everyone in her family. One year, she invited someone by mistake, but it turned into a wonderful new tradition.

Back in 2016, Dench thought she was sending a text to invite her grandson to join her for Thanksgiving dinner. She accidentally sent the text to the wrong number, and instead of it going to her grandson, it went to a teen named Jamal Hinton. 

Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? The time or two we have done this, it usually resolves itself in one of a few ways. Perhaps the person who got the text never responds. We double check the number and realize our mistake on our own. Other times, the person who got the text by mistake does respond. We apologize for the mixup and go on to text the correct person.

When Dench sent the text to Hinton, he responded to let her know that she had accidentally sent the text to the wrong person; however, that’s far from where the story ends. Instead of simply apologizing for her mistake and texting her grandson at the correct number, she went above and beyond. She decided to invite Hinton to join her family for Thanksgiving dinner anyway. Hinton has been joining Dench and her family for Thanksgiving every year since.

Recently, Hinton tweeted, “We are all set for year 6!”

Now, Hinton’s girlfriend, Mikaela, is also part of the tradition and has joined Dench and her family for Thanksgiving for a few years. The tradition even continued in 2020; although, the gathering was smaller than usual.

If you’re wondering why Dench sent a text to the wrong person in the first place, it’s not as simple as typing the wrong number. It turns out that her grandson changed his phone number but forgot to tell his grandmother. We think everything worked out wonderfully.

Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person by mistake? If so, how did they respond? Where do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving?

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