Finding out the gender of your unborn child can be an extremely special moment. It’s so special, in fact, that “gender reveal parties” have become the norm for announcing the sex of your baby to family and friends.

Gone are the days you simply opened an envelope to reveal whether you were having a son or daughter while sitting at the computer. Not only is having a party involved in revealing the gender, but people also like to announce the gender in an over-the-top way. A gender party isn’t complete unless you cut into a cake, open a box of balloons, or even use an explosive device (not recommended).

Most of the time, gender reveals parties following a certain schedule: Everyone arrives, they cast their vote for a boy or girl, the gender is revealed, and then everyone in attendance screams and jumps for joy.

However, in some instances, the reveal doesn’t quite go according to plan—like the gender reveal in a recent viral video. The parents-to-be thought that they’d be finding out the gender of their baby at their party, but they were in for a huge, unexpected surprise.

This couple decided that they’d get a huge black balloon filled with either blue or pink confetti. At their party, they’d both whack the balloon until it popped to reveal the appropriate color’s confetti. In a perfect world, that pink or blue confetti would pour gracefully down their faces as they jumped and cheered for their son or daughter.

But in reality, that’s not exactly what happened.

It all started off as it was supposed to: The couple was bashing the balloon with bats in hand. But instead of popping as they’d imagined, the balloon unhooked itself from the ground and, before they could stop it, flew off as fast into the windy abyss.

The couple and guests were in complete shock—but it’s also pretty hilarious to watch it all go down. Check out the unfortunate series of events in the video below!

Have you ever seen a gender reveal fail like this? What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve ever witnessed at a gender reveal party?

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