Pat Sajak Couldn’t Believe This Contestant Solved This Puzzle

Wheel Of Fortune

If you have watched the game show “Wheel of Fortune,” you know that some puzzles are easier to solve than others. Sometimes there are so many letters of the board that it’s seems like it would be impossible to get the puzzle wrong. Yet, sometimes contestants do. Other times, there are so few letters on the board that it seems nearly impossible to get the puzzle right. Yet, sometimes contestants do.

We love sharing stories of these amazing solves. We’ve seen contestants solve puzzles with as few as one letter on the board, and we’re truly blown away. We’re not the only ones. Host Pat Sajak is often unable to contain his disbelief when a contestant makes an amazing solve. He’ll often ask them to explain how they managed to solve the puzzle, and often it seems to be just a hunch or good luck.

One contestant named Helen had a puzzle to solve that looked quite challenging. Although there were multiple letters on the board, it was still not easy to figure out. For example, the first word was _ _ _ _ ING. That could be just about anything. The second word was _ITH. We guessed that word correctly, but it was the only one we were able to figure out. The third and final word of the puzzle was I _ E _ S. We were still stumped trying to figure out that third word when Helen had already correctly solved the puzzle on her first guess.

Watch the video below to see Helen solve _ _ _ _ ING  _ITH I_E_S and to see her reaction to winning a new car for correctly solving this challenging puzzle.

Are you amazed that Helen was able to solve this puzzle so quickly? Were you able to figure out the puzzle? How do you think Helen was able to guess correctly so quickly?

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