Ever since we were introduced to the term “coronavirus,” there has been so much information that’s come out about it. The problem with that is that sometimes the information contradicts itself and it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s not.

For example, at first, coronavirus only caused a fever, cough, and fatigue, but later on, the CDC released a host of other symptoms to watch out for, including chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and headache.

Additionally, at the beginning of the pandemic, it was advised that common folk didn’t walk around in face masks, as they weren’t seen to limit the spread of the virus. Now, you can get fined if you’re not wearing a mask in situations where you can’t social distance, as it’s become mandatory in many states.

When this all started, people became increasingly concerned about contracting coronavirus through the mail, takeout, and simply walking outside. However, it turns out that all of those things present a relatively low risk of getting the virus—especially outside air.

While it’s always better to be safe than sorry, of course, experts actually recommend that we all spend some extra time outside, and you don’t necessarily need to wear a mask or other protective gear. That’s because the risk of the virus circulating in the air where you’re walking or riding a bike is pretty low.

However, with the weather getting warmer outside, people are asking the question of whether putting a fan in your window—one that circulates the outdoor air into your home.

Window fans can feel like a threat, especially if you live in a populated area where people are constantly walking by. What if one of them has the virus and breaths near your home? Can the window fan blow the germs into your home and cause you to contract the virus?

It’s a valid question, but you can rest assured. Several experts have agreed that the risk of getting coronavirus through a window fan is very low and that there is very little or even no evidence that transmission occurs that way. Unless someone with the illness is outside, literally blowing into the fan as you’re standing in front of it, breathing it in, window fans are pretty safe.

Many experts actually encourage the use of window fans to get air circulation into your home, and better yet, getting outside to enjoy some fresh air, nice weather, and sunshine.

To hear the calming words from the experts themselves on the risk of using a window fan in the age of coronavirus, watch the video below.

Do you use a window fan? Did the thought of possibly getting coronavirus through it ever cross your mind?

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