When you think of a news anchor, what comes to mind? Probably someone reporting the news (go figure) who’s most likely very serious and decked out in professional clothes. Odds are, that generally accurate idea is what most of us would confess to picturing.

But that image doesn’t necessarily fit all anchors, including the internet’s newest viral star, Dan Thorn.

The WVNS-TV anchor loves his job reporting the news and takes it seriously — but when the cameras go off of him for the commercial break, Dan has a tendency to let loose. His signature past time? Dancing.

No matter the song, Dan loves finding the beat and busting a move! Our personal favorite is his little dance routine to Taylor Swift’s hit, “Shake it Off,” where he really lays out some priceless moves right at the news desk. Other popular dances are his impromptu routines to T.I. and James Brown.

“I was just trying to connect with my viewers and say hey, you know, I’m not a stiff,” Dan said in a recent Skype interview.

Dan also loves using little props in his dances. He’s donned sunglasses, used little reflective mirrors (where did he get that anyway?), and as you can see in the image above, borrowed his co-anchor’s iPad to use in his dancing.

That’s one of the other reasons why Mr. Thorn’s dancing videos have gone so crazy viral online: his co-anchor. If you can’t pick up the context clues from the above picture (her cringing away from Dan’s reach), his fellow reporter isn’t so keen on his dance breaks during commercial.

Sarah Pisiuneri is Dan’s partner in news, and the internet has pretty clearly observed how she feels about Dan’s goofy dancing: she really isn’t a fan. Generally, during commercial dances, Sarah will work on her computer or sometimes just stare straight ahead in an effort to avoid watching what’s going on next to her.

Sometimes, Dan will try and get Sarah to dance with him, but she tries to avoid jumping in. The only dance they’ve ever share is when Dan took Sarah’s arm and flopped it around to the beat a little bit…which we admit was a little strange, even if it did make Sarah chuckle.

All in all, it’s clear that this reporter loves his job and is doing his best not to take life too seriously! We respect that. Keep on dancing, Dan.

Have you seen Dan Thorn’s hilarious viral videos? What do you think of his dance moves? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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