Getting pregnant is one of the most exciting things in the world when you’re starting to plan for a family. But getting to see your little one for the first time on screen during an ultrasound might be the cherry on top of a cake.

So was the case for Lucy Bearley and Stuart Barrett, who are expecting their first baby in March. They were so excited to get their first ultrasound done—and it was certainly one that they’re going to remember forever.

Lucy laid down to get her 4D scan at 28 weeks pregnant, and when the baby showed up on screen, it was like everything they’d hoped for.

Then, the baby turns right to the camera and waves, as if to say, “hello there, parents!”

It’s one of those things that you don’t believe until you see it. There’s no doubt about it—this baby is definitely giving a wave to the camera.

Obviously the parents were in complete shock.

“I was lay[ing] on my side so it was difficult to see much really,” Lucy said. “Stuart suddenly said he thought he saw him waving so we asked the lady to rewind the footage.”

Even the ultrasound technician couldn’t believe it, but once she saw the footage again, it was so clear what was happened.

“Luckily she had caught the moment and sure enough when we looked there he was, not only waving but turning to look right at us,” Lucy said.

“The sonographer said she’d never seen anything like it before,” Stuart said. “We’ve showed midwives since and they said it was a very unusual thing to see too. Especially with it being so synchronized by waving and looking at the same time.”

Science has come a long way, but no one really knows what goes on for an unborn baby inside a woman’s womb. Dad thinks he was just hanging out basking in his alone time and the ultrasound clearly disturbed him! “It’s like he was doing his own thing and then decided to give us a proper hello so we would leave him alone,” Stuart said.

Others who’ve seen the video don’t quite know what to make of it.

“The reaction has been split really—half the people we show say it’s really cute and half the people say it’s scary and we’ll need to perform an exorcism as soon as he comes out,” Stuart says.

Ha! We can definitely see that.

What does mom think? She thinks she’s in trouble with someone who’s going to really love attention. “It was really lovely to see but I think we’re definitely doing to have a little showman on our hands,” she said. He’s obviously a bit of an attention seeker!”

Check out the waving baby during an ultrasound and see for yourself how crazy it is!

Source: Unborn Baby Turns To Face The Camera And Waves During 4D Ultrasound Scan by Caters_News

What do you think of this footage? Did you ever believe an unborn baby was capable of waving like this? What would you have done if this was your baby?

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