What did people do before the Internet? We truly have no idea and are glad we never have to find out.

Sure, you can lose hours of your life surfing the web, but the Internet is good for all sorts of things—from staying in touch with people to finding answers to your burning questions with the tap of a finger via Google.

However, one of the best parts of the online world is that most of it is free. We have access to a wealth of products to information and more—all at no cost.

Don’t believe us? There’s an entire Reddit thread where people post the free things online should everyone take advantage of.

Take a look at these awesome freebies, skills and more that people have scored—and see how you can do the same!

  1. Secondhand items

    Freecycle.org is literally people giving away stuff they don’t need/want any more that they can’t/don’t care enough to sell.”

  2. Adult books

    Z-library has millions of free books and articles in multiple formats. You can download up to 5 books a day without an account, and up to 10 if you sign up for free. It’s a really great site.”

  3. And children’s books

    Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library if you have a child younger than 5. The send an age-appropriate book once a month. It’s amazing! I have so many books for my daughter since I signed up and she loves getting them in the mail!”

  4. And college books, too

    Sci-hub. Endless free college books.”

  5. Icons

    Thenounproject.com has a wide selection of icons. I use them for presentations!.”

  6. Old TV shows

    My 90s TV—you can lose yourself for hours with nostalgia. It basically uses YouTube videos to simulate watching TV in 90s and you can specify what year you want and what categories you want to see when you change channels. There is also a My 80s TV and a My 70s TV.”

  7. Education

    OpenLearn from the UK’s Open University—free courses for all levels of study, samples of university materials, study skills and tie-ins to BBC documentaries.”

  8. Photos

    Unsplash.com is where you can get free photos of just about anything, provided by the photographers themselves, to do with what you like.”

  9. Music

    “Music. We take it for granted in this YouTube era but just a few decades ago, music wasn’t accessible to people at all and not even the rich had access to all types of it. Now this globalized era has given us countless options.”

  10. Photo editor

    Photopea—it’s a Photoshop clone that is completely free (unobtrusive side banner ad, can be removed by a one-time payment) and has all the basic features of Photoshop, using basically the same interface. If you’re used to Photoshop and just need to get something quick done, there’s nothing better out there.”

  11. Car info

    1aauto.com is a car parts supplier, but their videos show exactly what tools you need, what parts you need, and how to do a repair yourself. Great money saver if you don’t know much about mechanics.”

  12. Flight traffic

    Flightradar24—It allows you to see plane traffic live. This site nearly singlehandedly cured my fear of flying.”

  13. Financial skills

    Mint.com is a great budgeting site from TurboTax (so if you have problems with them, don’t use it)—it allows you to create a budget, then automatically categorizes transactions from linked accounts to show you how you are doing with regards to your budget. It’s easy to set up and adjust, and really helps to monitor where your spending is going.”

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