From the time between when children start school and when they graduate from high school, there are certain subjects that they all learn. They learn things like math, reading, writing, and history. These are important subjects for students to understand the world around them and to be able to navigate life as adults.

When Influencer Freddie Bentley was in school, he remembered learning about history including World War II; however, he thinks that continuing to teach young students about wars including World War II isn’t good for their mental health.

In 2019, Bentley went on the show “Good Morning Britain” to explain why he thinks WWII should be less of a focus in school. He explained that he knows it was a difficult time, but he thinks, “Instead of focusing so much on our history and holding on to things past, that we can let it go a little bit…and replace it with a subject that’s going to be…more relevant.” 

What would Bentley consider more relevant? He felt that when he left school he wasn’t prepared for life. He wished he had learned things like how to get a mortgage.

Watch the video below to hear Bentley’s argument about replacing education about WWII with something “more relevant.”

Not everyone agrees with Bentley’s thoughts on WWII and education. In fact, a lot of people completely disagree with him. On Twitter, many people shared their thoughts on Bentley’s comments.

Do you think Bentley’s thoughts about WWII are out of line? Do you think learning about WWII in school is essential?

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