Starbucks has everyone positively buzzing. No, it’s not because of all the caffeine. It’s all about the cup it’s served up in.

That’s right, folks! It is once again, THE GREATEST TIME OF YEAR!

Equally controversial and highly celebrated, the Starbucks Holiday Cups are always a hot topic. We count down the days to the design reveal, we wake up at the crack of dawn just to have a chance at getting there before they’re gone, and we don’t know what it is about them, but we’ve all gotta have them and we’ve gotta have them all!

Starbucks’ (in)famous holiday cups have the power to bring even the Scroogiest of people into the holiday spirit! Those who have plenty of spirit, but tend to opt for home-brew or no coffee at all, are similarly inspired to flock to the franchises to score the first taste of a Wonderful Winter, from a fun and festive cup.

As soon as stores open tomorrow (Friday, Nov 6th), the ever-so-coveted collectible cups will be warming up hands and hearts at participating locations across the nation. Every year, folks come out in droves to get their chilly hands on a warm, cozy, collectable cup of their favorite seasonal treat. If you plan on being one of the lucky ones this year, here’s what you need to know:

Are you a seasoned collector? Are you making your first attempt to collect this year? What do you think of the 2020 designs?

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