When we go to a store, sometimes we like to park far from the door because we count our steps, and that extra walking adds up. However, other times, especially if we have little kids with us or if we’re in a big hurry, we park as close to the door as possible.

You know what parking spots are closest to the door of pretty much every store and restaurant? That’s right. Handicap parking spots. No, we do not park in or block handicap parking spots, but we sometimes park next to them.

If you’re ever going to park next to a handicap parking spot in the city of Southlake, Texas, make sure you never ever park over the line, not even an inch. Of course, we’re sure you wouldn’t do that anyway, but if you do, you might come back to your car to find something quite unusual on your windshield.

No, it’s not a ticket; although, a police officer could probably give you a ticket if he wanted to or if someone complained. Instead, the Southlake DPS has come up with a more creative way, and in their own words, a “snarky” way of getting the attention of drivers who park outside the lines.

They created a black and white picture of a police badge and printed it out. It’s basically a coloring page, and the text included on the page drives the message home.

Above the picture of the badge, it reads, “We noticed you had a little trouble staying in the lines when you parked next to a handicap space…” Then, below the picture of the badge, the text reads, “Maybe if you practice coloring our patch and staying in the lines here, it could help you avoid citations in the future.”

The Southlake DPS posted pictures of this flyer and a car who received the flyer on Twitter. Many people in the comments are loving the creativity, and many are poking fun at the font choice for the text – Comic Sans.

Watch the video below for more about this snarky new flyer.


What would you think if you returned to your car and saw a coloring page from the police department on your windshield? Would this get your attention?

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