We know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but if we’re being honest, we’ve been celebrating the Christmas season since before Halloween. We kicked off the celebration when Hallmark Channel released the first new Hallmark Christmas movie of 2020 on October 24th. Don’t judge. 

It has been a difficult year, and sometimes predictability is just what we need to get us through a time that seems to be constantly filled with bad news and strict safety precautions. The pandemic has been going on long enough that we know we don’t know what’s coming next. All we know is that this is going to be an unusual holiday season.

While we may not see our family and friends in person this year due to COVID-19, we will still find ways to share the festivities together whether it’s via a virtual party or online shopping together. 

One thing that we can count on to be consistent in a world of change is Hallmark Christmas Movies. If you have ever watched these popular and predictable movies, you probably know that most of them have a lot of similarities. For example, there is usually a single woman from a big city who ends up celebrating Christmas in a small town and falling in love with a single man, perhaps a single dad, who lives there.

Not every movie follows the formula described above, but honestly, most of them do, and we find this predictability wonderful. We enjoy knowing what to expect. We enjoy knowing that there is going to be a happy ending. We enjoy knowing that someone is going to make Christmas cookies, decorate a Christmas tree and/or go to the town’s big Christmas celebration. 

We’re not the only ones who love the predictable formula of Hallmark Christmas movies. The Holderness family knows this formula too. Penn and Kim Holderness along with their two children decided to recreate the generic plot of pretty much every Hallmark movie that involves a single dad in a small town, and they did a hilariously terrific job. Watch the video below to see their funny short film titled “A Single Dad Christmas.”

Fans of Hallmark movies and Holderness videos are loving this video, but a few fans have pointed out a few things they missed. One person wrote, “The only thing missing is the weird long curls that the leading ladies wear.  Go check them out.  My daughter and I discuss the fact that the hair and make up only have one curling iorn.”

Another comment reads, “What about the latter scene where she nearly falls while decorating the Christmas tree?” Yes, that is a pretty common occurrence in Hallmark movies too.

Are you a fan of Hallmark Christmas movies?

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