Besides square footage and number of bedrooms and bathrooms, one major factor people consider when buying a home is the location. The exact same home in a location in high demand will cost a lot more than a home in a less desirable location, and one factor that makes a high demand location is a great view.

A home at a beach or along a golf course could potentially cost a lot more than a home along a busy street or a home in a subdivision where your view is basically of your neighbor’s house. Although the view might be nice in certain locations, that view also sometimes comes with risks.

When Erik and Athina Tenczar bought their home next to the Indian Pond Country Club in Massachusetts, they knew there was a chance that a random golf ball could occasionally find its way onto their property. Their home is located near the 15th tee, and they love the view of the golf course. The risk seemed small, and the view seemed worth it.

After four years of living in their home with their three children, the Tenczars no longer feel that the risk is worth the view. In fact, if they had known just how often golf balls would land on their property and do damage to their home, they never would’ve bought the house.

The family’s attorney, Robert Galvin, told NBC News, “They thought they were buying golf-course-view property and what they ended up buying was a golf-course-in-play property. It was apparent to anyone that this house was going to be struck as repeatedly as this one was, they would have never bought this property.”

The golf balls did more than crack windows and break off the siding. In one case, a golf ball actually broke through a window and shattered the glass. One of the children in the home was terrified by this incident.

The family decided to sue the country club, and the judge had sided in the family’s favor, awarding them almost $5 million.

Watch the video below to learn more about this family’s home and to see pictures of some of the damage.



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