The Kids Laughed When The Principal Got Up To Dance. Then The Music Started


Teachers, principals and other educators have vital roles when it comes to raising the next generation. They’re more than just educators. They’re role models. The best ones have fun while doing their job.

One teacher we think of took two of his former students to the school father/daughter dance. Their father had recently passed away, so he wanted to make the night special for them. The two girls were friends with his own daughters, and from the smiles on their faces, it looks like he definitely made it a fun night for the four girls.

While we imagine that the teacher mentioned above probably danced at the father/daughter dance, we don’t have a video of that. However; we have seen a video of a group of teachers overtaking a school assembly to dance to the Bruno Mars song “Uptown Funk.” The students loved it!

What’s ever better than teachers dancing at an assembly is when the principal gets in on the fun. There’s one principal who is known for fearlessly dancing for his students.

We’re talking about Mr. Tyson Kane. He used to be the Principal at Chicago Bulls College Prep, but he’s since been promoted to head of schools for a group of 17 charter schools. We can see why.

Apparently, Mr. Kane likes to dance. He goes around from school to school teaching the kids to have no fear and not to be embarrassed. In part, he does this by dancing for them at school assemblies. The kids love it.

Someone recorded a video of Mr. Kane dancing at an assembly at Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy in West Humboldt Park, and it has since gotten over a million views.

Comments for this video of Mr. Kane dancing are overwhelmingly positive. Many people wish they’d had a principle like him when they were in school.

One person wrote, “OMG now why couldn’t us older people have had cool principals like this one when we were in school?????”

Another comment reads, “This is someone who came into teaching with a purpose. You always need to be able to relate to the generation that you are privileged to teach.”

A lot of commenters also note that Mr. Kane is actually a pretty good dancer. “Middle aged white men got more rhythm than y’all think they do. He was jamming.”

Watch Mr. Kane dance fearlessly in the video below.

Did you ever have a teacher or principal dance at a school assembly? Who was your favorite teacher?

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